Approaching the Speed of Light
Approaching the Speed of Light

My oldest brother was a world famous radio astronomer who taught at the University of Texas in Austin until his retirement. Throughout his career he was on teams that consulted with NASA on various projects. He also built a radio telescope that he operated for decades outside of Marfa, Texas.

In a conversation I had with him (one of many on the subject), he told me that it is impossible to break through the speed of light (~186,000 miles/second). Approaching the speed of light is possible but as you get close, the amount of energy required would increase to an almost incalculable level.

On one visit to his house in Austin, I was lying on the floor in the living room playing with my camera. I took a picture looking from the living room floor into the dining room. I kept it but thought nothing of it until several years after his passing. While he never saw the result, his daughter now has a print.

My brother “Jamie”, whom I dearly miss, inspired this image.